Welcome to Reality Bytes!🥐

Your weekly rendezvous with all things tech ☕️

Your Weekly Rendezvous With All Things Tech ☕️

Welcome to Reality Bytes by Gravity Jack - your weekly dose of tech industry news broken down into byte-sized pieces. Here you’ll enjoy updates on cutting edge technology, the pioneers behind it, and how you can implement it into your business strategies 💥

A few promises from us to you: 

  • We won’t flood your inbox - you’ll get one email every Tuesday bright and early

  • We’ll limit the geek speak and focus on making tech news digestible 

  • No fluff, only the most relevant information for business leaders and aspiring innovators 

  • It’s not all about us! We’re fostering a community of like-minded thought leaders in XR, AI, and more

We’re so glad you’re here and can’t wait to get started! Keep your eyes peeled for the next edition of Reality Bytes 👀In the meantime, be sure to join our LinkedIn community to get connected with others making/riding waves in the tech space.